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A Cat at Sea: The story of Flinders & Trim

Writer's picture: RIck LeCouteurRIck LeCouteur

Imagine setting sail on uncharted waters, facing storms, scarcity,

and isolation with only the vast ocean around you.

Now, imagine doing it all with a fearless feline by your side.


Mathew Flinders is celebrated as one of the greatest explorers and navigators in Australian history. His achievements in mapping the coast of Australia are well-documented, but perhaps less known is the story of his beloved companion, a small black cat named Trim.


This charming and loyal feline joined Flinders on his voyages, enduring perilous journeys across seas and even imprisonment, cementing Trim’s legacy as one of the most famous maritime cats in history.


A Bold Beginning: Trim’s Origins


Trim’s story begins not with Flinders himself but as a stowaway on the HMS Reliance in 1799. As a kitten, Trim was discovered when he miraculously survived falling overboard, swimming determinedly back to the ship. This resilience and indomitable spirit impressed Flinders, who soon adopted the little black cat with a splash of white on his paws and chest. From that day forward, Trim became Flinders’ cherished companion on every voyage, sharing his adventurous spirit.


The Bond Between Navigator and Cat


Trim accompanied Flinders on the famous circumnavigation of Australia aboard HMS Investigator. During the long and grueling journey, Flinders faced many hardships - harsh weather, food shortages, disease, and the constant threat of shipwreck - but Trim’s presence provided a comforting sense of companionship.


In Flinders’ journals, Trim is fondly described as a "distinguished character," showing the deep affection Flinders held for him. Trim was not merely a pet; he was a friend, a fellow explorer, and a source of comfort during challenging times. Flinders often shared his food with Trim and spoke of him as a loyal confidant who brought joy to the crew.


Trim’s Courage and Adaptability


Like many cats, Trim had a knack for survival. Despite the often-rough conditions at sea, he became an adept sailor. He would walk the ropes and scamper around the deck, astonishing the sailors with his agility and fearlessness. Trim even caught and managed the ship’s mice population, proving himself useful beyond companionship.


But it was not only on the sea that Trim’s loyalty was tested. When Flinders was imprisoned by the French on the island of Mauritius during a diplomatic dispute, Trim was captured alongside him. For five years, Flinders was held in captivity, separated from his country and his crew. Trim, however, stayed by his side, a silent but steadfast presence that helped Flinders endure his time in confinement. Sadly, Trim disappeared during this time, and though Flinders made efforts to find him, the little cat was never seen again.

A Legacy

Trim’s disappearance was a profound loss to Flinders, and he made sure to honor his memory. Flinders’ love for Trim is immortalized in his writings.


He penned a eulogy for his lost friend, calling him

"The best and most illustrious of his race, the most affectionate of friends,

faithful of servants, and best of creatures."


Trim’s legacy lives on today. Numerous books have been written about Flinders and Trim. Statues of Trim now stand in several places, including Sydney, Australia, and London, England, alongside those of Mathew Flinders. These monuments remind us of their inseparable bond and Trim’s unwavering loyalty. Trim’s story has inspired generations, representing courage, loyalty, and the bond that can exist between humans and animals, even in the most trying circumstances.


Lessons from Trim’s Tale


The story of Mathew Flinders and Trim transcends time. It’s a reminder of the companionship animals can bring into our lives, their unwavering loyalty, and the ways they comfort us, particularly in times of hardship. Trim’s courage and resilience serve as a reminder that even the smallest creatures can possess a spirit strong enough to inspire a legacy.


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