The Context of Time: Navigating change and continuity
Rick LeCouteur
Inviting young readers to marvel at the wonder of nature's creatures
Rick's Blog
Use the menu below to explore "All Posts," or delve into selected topics like "Children's Picture Books", and more.
The Iconic Akubra: A hat for every generation
Jizz vs. Gestalt: Decoding the subtle art of bird identification
Leather and Legacy: The story of a shoe repair specialist in Sydney.
The Truth Behind Airline Flight Cancellations: Why "technical issues" and "safety considerations" often mask crew shortages!
Do Animals Think? Science says “Yes”
Melbourne: Closer to Antarctica than to Darwin
The Power of Optimism: A path to longevity and better health
From Sweetheart to Springtime: The origins of 'Bunny’
Weather Giants: Unraveling hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons, monsoons and tornadoes.
Wallace's Line: Nature’s invisible divide
From Bluey to Books: Gender roles in kids' stories.
Rosettes of the Wild: Jaguars vs. Leopards
From Scooters to Stings: The amusing tale of being “killed by a vespa”
Seeing Isn’t Believing: The pitfalls of “imaging-only” glioma diagnoses in research studies
Hunting with a Punch: Octopus-fish alliances and leadership
Hardcover vs. Softcover Children's Picture Books: Which is the better choice?
Spider Silk: Nature's strongest and most versatile fiber
The Secret Behind Eyeshine: Evolution of the tapetum lucidum
Mother Nature: Exploring the feminine personification of the natural world