Starting Older: Redefining retirement for today’s world
What if retirement wasn’t the end, but the beginning of something entirely new? As people live longer, healthier, and more active...
Inviting young readers to marvel at the wonder of nature's creatures
Starting Older: Redefining retirement for today’s world
Lessons & Legacies: “It’s about the people, stupid!”
From Scooters to Stings: The amusing tale of being “killed by a vespa”
More Than Just Pets: A story about the evolution of veterinary care
Dangerous American: Questioning the Status Quo in Glasgow
Turps and the Tinker: A Second Chance
Vale Tremor: A guardian's heart
Saber's Secret: A medical mystery unveiled
The Ripple Effect of Teaching (Part 2): Insights from “If Wishes Were Horses”
The Ripple Effect of Teaching (Part 1): Insights from “If Wishes Were Horses”
Tales from the Wild Side: My favorite “animal authors”